The Beginnings

A Warm Welcome To You By MSR

It is my proud privilege to tell you, briefly about my website and how it all started!

The beginnings are in Sept 1979. My students in Sarada Vilas Law College Mysore, met me after my lecture on Freedom of Speech [Constitution of India] and asked me to allow them go shorthand to convert my lectures into typescript. Yes! I said but on condition they should understand while taking shorthand! They agreed. Typescript books of live lectures were an instant success.

Students of the succeeding years suggested printing of these books as they were on great demand and not available. But, the typed scripts had to undergo a metamorphosis to get into print and so I did this sparing no pains. In 1984, I got the law books printed and offered them to the students and the public through M/s Law Services, publishers and distributors. Soon the students found the books to be simple, direct, and forceful with case law and illustrations. Moreover, it was unique and easy to understand .This gave them the needed confidence to face the exams. The books ran into several revised editions. But then, in recent years the law student’s community and the officers, no longer preferred to remain old fashioned but demanded that I should go digital. Very True! I assured them. When there is a global digital divide and a positive move to go digital, why not I join the mainstream and go hi-tech?

This is a short sketch of the origin and development of my website with the ebooks in a new digital avatar!

But then, this avatar is totally different from the classroom live lectures, typescripts or the printed books! Obviously, the web has a global exposure. I did upgrade and edit with added case law and illustrations.. The result: a formidable list of e-books! Over 40 to count, with increased number of pages!

But then, my thinking was how best to serve and help usefully the law students community and others? Opt to sell, or offer free downloads? I preferred to make e-books download FREE and to encourage the students to study quality material. With this objective, my website is made easily available with 24/7 download facility, anywhere, anytime and any e-book!

Law students and others became excited to hear about this free service and welcomed it heartily

Surprisingly, good many students and officers came up with an enthusiastic suggestion. Sir, when you have turned most difficult and voluminous Law books into simple and easily understandable ebooks you must give us an opportunity to donate money as token of our gratitude and appreciation.They reasoned out to say that the web hosting, maintenance, updating and monitoring involved good amount of money. I said ‘No!’ but when many insisted, I agreed. So the web has a subscription/contribution button. I would like to add that your subscription/contribution is only an option

I heartily wish you Good luck and a great future with my digital books. MSR Copyrights Reserved ©